Money helps us with food, shelter, clothing, medical emergencies and school fees for all the 45 kids under our care. You work hard and it is an added blessing if you can help a deserving child for his/her livelihood. We cannot help everyone, but every one of us can help someone in need. Every rupee you donate helps a child feel better, eat better and study further. Few of us can help them by being physically present but most people are surrounded by a hectic lifestyle. You can always contribute by sending us a donation, how much ever you think you can. Little drops of water do make a large ocean. You can help by contributing just INR 180 Education plays a very important role in the development and growth of any child. Education not only helps get a career, it also helps in social skills and overall holistic development. This is why we give utmost importance to the quality of education our students get. All the kids with us go to a full time educational institution and study every day. Every kid around us deserves good education and the opportunity to better in life using it.

Education empowers them, gives them necessary confidence to face life and helps them financially and morally until the end. With quality education and good teachers around, our children continue to grow better and evolve as good citizens of the country.Spending for education is an investment in every sense. Keeping this in mind, we have chosen good institutes for our children to learn from. Books, school fees, tuition fees, uniforms etc. are always on our priority list. On an average, it costs around INR 1000 per month for one child to go to school and this includes school fees, transportation, notebooks and textbooks, stationeries and tuition fees. Let us know if you will like to sponsor a child’s education.